Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's a GIRL!!!
So I really wanted a boy, but yesterday we found out we were having a girl. Which is so weird, I really thought it would be a boy. Well now I have to get used to a girl. At least I'll be able to dress her up all cute. I just wanted to let you all know. Wish me luck, I never thought I would have a daughter.

South Dakota

Patrick and I went to South Dakota and Nebreska a couple weeks ago with Layne and Michele. It was freezing cold, but the trip was great. I didn't really think I would enjoy myself but Patrick wanted to go so I agreed. We ended up having a wonderful time. South Dakota was a beautiful state, so clean. We went to Deadwood, which was a great city, really old school. We saw were Wild Bill Hicock was murdered, which was a big deal to Patrick and Layne. Then the next weekend (which was Halloween) My sister Darlene and I went to Salt Lake for our niece Katelyn's baptism. We had alot of fun. It rained the whole time, which was nice since I never see any rain down here.