Sunday, April 26, 2009

Presley Dylan Adams arrived April 16th at 7:51 am, weighing 7lbs 9oz and was 19in. long.
I had to have an emergency c-section bacause every time I had a contraction her heart rate dropped, it was real scary for me. When they pulled her out the cord was around her neck.
She is absolutly adorable and we love her so much already!!!!


The Johnson Five said...

I love her already!!! Did you get my text?? I want to come see her! You guys busy tonight?

Alan and Kiersten said...

she is SO cute! we can't wait to see her! hope things are going well!

Rob and Mercedi said...

SHE IS BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait to be back in town to come see her! That's a bummer about the c-section but at least she's here safe and sound. CONGRATS! We love you! -Mercedi

Emily said...

I love the picture of Patrick kissing her and how it looks like someone took the picture without his knowledge. She is so cute!