Monday, September 22, 2008

Okay, so my cousin-in-law Mercedi tagged me so I have to list 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 obbsessions, and 3 suprising facts about my self. So here they are...

3 Joys: My husband is my first and greatest joy, my family, and my friends, I would die w/o them all.

3 Fears: Spiders, Snakes, and sleeping at my house alone. I HATE them all!!!

3 Obsessions: M.A.C. make-up (I'm addicted), Purses & shoes, and T.V.. I have so many shows that I can't miss ( the Hills, Grey's, SYTYCD, Prison Break, The Bachelor, and 90210)

3 Suprising Facts: I'm 10 weeks pregnant, YEAH!!!, My husband isn't as mean as he looks, and I'm a big Nerd! I love to read, anything I can get my hands on. I'm always reading something from sports books, romance novels, history books (I know: NERD) to travel guides ( I want to go so many places and I like to know what im gonna see, and I didn't think breaking dawn was that great, got kinda bored)

K here it is. I'm boring so its not that great.


Rob and Mercedi said...

I'm glad to hear that someone else wasn't impressed with Breaking Dawn. I got sick of hearing about how beautiful Bella thought she was and all the crazy vamp sex. Seriously. Let's get creative!
Anyways, I'm still so excited for you and your little baby! How's the pregnancy going?

Bri said...

Whatever, Patrick is soo mean! j/k Patty. :) So I just started the Twighlight series..... I know, a little late on the whole bandwagon. I still can't believe you didn't tell me you were prego sooner. You hurt my feelings. j/k. Remind me next time we talk to tell you what Grant said....funny....

Meagan said...

Wow, congrats Jodi! That's awesome news! Hope you're feeling ok and things are well.

Knowles Family said...


The Woods People said...

I had no idea you were such a nerd!!! :-)

cropstar said...

ps- i wandered over from rob&mercedi's blog. fun to see your blog :)

The Johnson Five said...

ha...ha....your funny! I was tagged too...what's with all the tagging?? Fantastic job on the Luau!